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Check box in integration table to enable/disable operation

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:47 am
by kiwiSteve
It's very useful when testing cominations of integration operations to achieve a desired splitting of peaks in a chromatogram to be able to enable/disable the individual rows in the integration table. This allows the effect of each operation, and its interaction with other operations, to be tested. In other chromatography systems I have used, a checkbox in each row of the integration table permits this to be done.

When the functionality of integration tables is enhanced to permit re-ordering of operations, could this feature perhaps be added as well?

Kind regards

Internal issue number: ISS66006

Re: Check box in integration table to enable/disable operation

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:03 am
by Daniel Mentlik
Dear Stephen,
thank you for the suggestion. We are preparing a design to make work with Integration table easier for some future version of Clarity. The preliminary version of the design is going slightly different route, but could be fully combined with your suggested operation. I have added a new suggestion into our internal bug-tracking database and started a poll in this thread.
