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View\Print the retention time for multiple chromatograms
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:47 pm
by rickhorn10
On all of our analytical units, we have two detectors in line. It would be nice to be able to view and print the retention times for each detector trace at the same time in the same window. Right now, it is only possible to see the retention time of the selected chromatogram. We know the time difference between the two detectors and being able to see the retention time for each trace in the chromatogram window would make comparison much quicker.(Maybe this can already be done?)
Thanks for everyone's consideration.
Re: View\Print the retention time for multiple chromatograms
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:53 pm
by Daniel Mentlik
Dear Rick,
this can already be done using the Summary table, primarily designed to compare results from the multiple chromatograms using the same calibration. Few tips on setting this up:
- you can switch to the Summary table on the bottom of the Chromatogram window
- you need to have the chromatograms calibrated; Summary table matches peaks according to their names, so all chromatograms must use the calibration with the same peak names (but this may be different calibration files)
- the same can be performed for a single chromatogram featuring multiple signals - you need to have all signals calibrated though, using the same names of compounds
- you may apply the Detector Delay parameter to the second detector's Integration table so that the known time shift between the detectors will be compensated
- you may setup the display of the Summary table according to your preference using the Summary Options... command from the context menu on the table
- you may setup the columns visible using the Setup Columns... command from the context menu; please note that on the Common tab of the dialog you are setting the columns displayed for chromatograms, the parameters displayed are set on the Summary tab (Retention Time is one of them)
- Summary table can be reported using the Summary Table option on the Results tab of the Report Setup dialog
Hope this is what you would like to aim for in your laboratory setup. If not, let me know with desired scenario.