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IMPLEMENTED - Open chromatograms from measured sequences

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:39 pm
by Mandlik
Dear Sir,
In Pharmaceutical applications our customers are asking for GC autosampler sequeance and Head Space Sampling sequence to be prepaire and run .
After the sequence completion the Data (Chromatograms ) gets stores in respective path.
our customers need the facility to load the chromatogram by just having "click" on the specific row on the sequence for perticular Chromatogram.
instead of opening Chromatogram window ,file opening procedure customers prefers to directly click on the sequence table and they find it very easy to operate.

Thanks and regards,


Re: GC Autosampler Sequence

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:24 pm
by Daniel Mentlik
Dear Chandrakant,
we have discussed the issue internally and we see your point, however, it might be quite complicated because Clarity allows to use the same sequence row for several measurements from the same or even different vials, producing multiple chromatograms from one line of the sequence table. The "cleanest" solution to this situation would be to allow the opening of only chromatograms which are defined by the complete row, that means where SV = EV and IV = 1. Making a hybrid from the table. Allowing opening of all chromatograms originating from one row would be quite impractical as a single row may contain tens or hundreds of injections from itself. Also, this would mean some change for the current design of Clarity where rows already measured are non-interactive.

As for now, the file name of the chromatogram created is visible while hovering the mouse over the Chromatogram name field in the sequence row. If you use the variables in chromatogram names wisely, the chromatogram itself might be found from the File - Open dialog very fast.


Re: IMPLEMENTED - Open chromatograms from mneasured sequence

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:58 pm
by Zdenek Telicka
From Clarity 6.0, it is possible to open chromatograms from measured rows in sequence. The Status field is improved and allows to open chromatograms even if there are multiple injection on the line.
Please, press the F1 key in the Sequence window to get the latest help.