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IMPLEMENTED - Notify user of end of run

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:31 pm
by dcree
At the end of a run, have Clarity generate an email or text sent to the user alerting him that the run is completed and attach the results.

Re: Notify user of end of run

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:03 am
by Daniel Mentlik
Dear Debra,
Clarity can already do that, provided you have a SST extension bought. As a result, you can perform actions after each run has been completed. The detailed description of the issue can be found in the SST Extension manual.

However, the issue is not as easy as it seems - most of the e-mail clients at this time need to confirm the sending of the message, it cannot be done automatically. Clarity cannot perform these confirmations, and it would be necessary to implement our own e-mail client to be able to send messages reliably. There are some add-ons available on the web that allow you to overcome the problems (ClickYes comes to my mind), but I cannot recommend any as I do not have any experience with them. The e-mail sending confirmation is not added in malevolently, it is there as a spam protection and I'm not in position to advise how to overcome that.
Best Regards,