IMPLEMENTED - Column Usage Monitor

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Do you want us to implement Column Usage Monitor ?

Poll ended at Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:48 pm

Yes (preferably based on total time of use)
Yes (preferably based on total number of injections)
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Total votes: 11

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IMPLEMENTED - Column Usage Monitor

Post by stuart »

I know this has been discussed before! But it would be really useful to have a low cost way to monitor the number of runs that have been put through a column. Most automatic methods require extra hardware and end up prohibitively expensive. But if a column could become a resource which has to be allocated to a method, maybe then every time the method is run, a counter could be incremented by one? It would need the facility to add the individual column serial number, and as with the information entered under the Measurement tab, its only useful if filled in correctly, but I for one would find it really useful. I have over a hundred columns, and sometimes find it hard to know if a column has reached its normal life expectancy, or whether they are dying prematurely. If a column life expectancy could be predicted, based on historical data, it would also be very useful when setting up long runs if the system could predict that the column may not last the weekend!

Internal issue tracking ID: 16940
Last edited by Zdenek Telicka on Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: Adding a poll
Dr Stuart Jones

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Ivan Vins
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Re: Column Usage Monitor

Post by Ivan Vins »

There is a new function in Clarity version 2.7 main window, System, GLP options: Allow Automated Export of Audit trail. This wil create a text file, containing info about actions performed by the station.

The Acquired line in the Audit Trail now contains also info about the method used for acquisition - see example:

F:\clarity_2.7.0\Work1\DATA\My GC - 28.8.2009 9_41_15.PRM - Acquired Method: F:\clarity_2.7.0\Work1\int7_event.MET (25.8.2009 18:07:02)

If you will include/link the column ID in the method name, such lines could be easily filtered and parsed to get the desired number of injections acquired with each method.

A database application could be written, which will hold your column inventory and be capable to import the exported Audit Trails and extract the relevant info from it.
Ivan Vinš

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Re: Column Usage Monitor

Post by HKL »

We hope this features can be implemented soonest possible.
Dr Muhammad Arif Mohd. Hashim

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Re: Column Usage Monitor

Post by gelli »

Hi Ivan,
Sorry, but this solution is too much of a strain for being a useful one and it seems that there is no such a counter number in the audit trial export file (maybe I got it wrong and I cannot see how to linkthe column ID to the method name... Have you got a real life example?). Moreover, method filename should be unique (in our case) and our customers are not expected to change it to match the column ID. Column ID, n° of injections and (hopefully) injection limit should be method parameters inside the method itself, in my opinion...
Gianluca Elli

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Column injections counter

Post by gelli »

Could it be possible to add an injection counter for the column? In an IVD environment , analytical columns are certified for a stated n° of injections, and thus customers want to track column life in order to be compliant with method certification; in lin of principle this feature could be added in the Advanced tab of the method itself, incrementing the value for each injection signal and allowing the customer to reset it when needed...
Gianluca Elli

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Daniel Mentlik
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Re: Column Usage Monitor

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

I have moved your new post to the appropriate topic - we already have one for this feature.
Daniel Mentlí­k

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Re: Column Usage Monitor

Post by gelli »

Hi Daniel,
thanks but, as I stated before, I hope this feature will be implemented in a next Clarity version: the GLP workaround is not feasible...
Gianluca Elli

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Daniel Mentlik
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Re: Column Usage Monitor

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

Dear Gianluca,
in Clarity 6.2 we have introduced a control module named Column Usage Monitor - please check it out. It does track the number of injections made on an Instrument and should be the means you need to achieve your goals. Try to download the version 6.2 and test the feature - it is also available in DEMO version.

Best Regards,
Daniel Mentlí­k

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Re: IMPLEMENTED - Column Usage Monitor

Post by gelli »

Hi Daniel and thanks: I am trying to manage this new feature but, in line of principle, it should do the work!!!

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Re: IMPLEMENTED - Column Usage Monitor

Post by jayeshpatel »

Yes we want this function At the Earliest

My Suggestions to Clarity instead of waiting/asking for Votes or requirement kindly compare your CDS with Competitors and Implement Features as Much you can. We should make it better and than other insteadof Users see / feel good features in other CDS and asking to implement same in Clarity.

I do not believe in such developments.
Jayesh Patel

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