Corrupt File

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Corrupt File

Post by AMNangle »

I am getting an error message (attachments 1, Error Message).
Screenshot 2020-11-11 133555.png
Error Message
(11.39 KiB) Downloaded 126 times
I looked around my files the data files from attachment 2 (PROJECTS folder).
How would I go about fixing this error?

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Daniel Mentlik
DataApex Support
DataApex Support
Posts: 354
Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:15 pm

Re: Corrupt File

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

As for the cause, please send the project file (work2.prj) to for evaluation, we are interested to find what happened at your station so we can possibly prevent similar situations in future.

As for the remedy, after sending the file to us:
The projects file at the moment does not keep that many settings. In case you can open another project, take that projects project file (e.g. Demo1.prj) and copy it into the same folder under the work1.prj name (overwriting the current one). What will happen is that you will be able to open Work2 project afterwards, but on the first opening (or until the situation is remedied) you will get warning that some particular files are missing. The remedy in this case are:
  • for a method warning, open some valid method in the Method Setup dialog an send it to the Instrument
  • for chromatogram(s) warning, open Chromatogram window, open some valid chromatogram in it
  • for calibration do the same within calibration window
  • for sequence, do the same in sequence window
Daniel Mentlí­k

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