Perkin Elmer Series 200 RID with NCI 901

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Perkin Elmer Series 200 RID with NCI 901

Post by RRM »


I'm currently using Clarity on three workstations, each connected to a combination of Agilent 6890 & 6850 GCs. All of the GCs are connected either via RS232 or Ethernet to the workstations. I have no DAC for any workstation.

I'd like to connect a refractive index detector to Clarity for the purpose of collection and processing of data only (no control). The RID is a Perkin Elmer Series 200, which has a 1V output. I have the NIC 901 acquisition interface (PE's DAC for connecting the RID to a computer system), which has ethernet connections (also RS232, but with a non-standard connection). So I was hoping that I could connect the RID/NIC to the workstation using the ethernet connection.

Is there any way of achieving what I'm trying to do? Which would be to connect the NIC 901 to the workstation via an ethernet cable and then collect the data in Clarity for processing? If possible, I could use a spare license/channel on one of the workstations as we have removed one of our GC's from our system (i.e. currently have X-1 instruments for X licenses) - but these are all currently Agilent instruments.

Many thanks
Rick Mitford

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Daniel Mentlik
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Re: Perkin Elmer Series 200 RID with NCI 901

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

Dear Rick,
you can get the signal from the PerkinElmer 200 RID to Clarity, but not using the NIC901 interface. Clarity only supports DataApex-made A/D Converters.

This means that in order to achieve your goal you will need to purchase 1-signal Colibrick A/D Converter. Depending on whether LAN connection is crucial for you (Colibrick uses USB connection), you could use commercially available USB-LAN converter; we are using Silex converters for the same purposes in-house.

As long as you have "free Instrument" license on your stations, you can use the solution without purchasing additional software solutions from us - A/D converters do not require any particular control modules to run (neither GC nor LC). Branding of the instruments themselves does not play any role.
May we know the serial number of the station in question, please?
Best Regards,
Daniel Mentlí­k

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