Loss of Reports in Clarity 7.4.1

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Loss of Reports in Clarity 7.4.1

Post by dcparr00 »

Good day.

I have partners using Clarity 7.4.1 who suddenly reported that Reports stopped being created and saved to the designated Work 1/ Data folder spontaneously and are, in fact, not saved anywhere else on the control PC. The report setup is still in place, and in the Single Analysis POSTRUN settings, PRINT and PRINT TO PDF is still selected and yet no reports seem to be created.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Parr

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Daniel Mentlik
DataApex Support
DataApex Support
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Re: Loss of Reports in Clarity 7.4.1

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

Hi Chris,
from the above it is hard to say what went wrong - we will need additional diagnostic information form the station. Please send following files from the mentioned station to support@dataapex.com :
  • C:/Clarity/Cfg/clarity.cfg
  • C:/Clarity/Cfg/*.dsk
  • C:/Clarity/Cfg/systeminfo.txt
  • C:/Clarity/Cfg/Debug_Logs/badtrace.txt, such file may not be there
  • C:/Clarity/Cfg/Debug_Logs/*.dmp, such files may not be there or may be from old times, interesting are only files which relate to the recent period of time (visible from timestamp in the file name)
  • C:/Clarity/Cfg/Audit_Trails/*.audit, relating to the day when print was tried but not succesful
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Daniel Mentlí­k

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