Change in the processing´s calibration

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Change in the processing´s calibration

Post by strutter527 »

Dear all.

We have the following inconvenience: During the processing of the data done offline sometimes it is necessary to change the calibration of the method for which the sequence was run, and after doing the batch analysis the calibration does not take the average of the areas from the repetitions of the calibration standards, it only takes one of the areas. What would be the way in which this reprocessing should be done?

Thank you in advance.

My best regards.

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Daniel Mentlik
DataApex Support
DataApex Support
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Re: Change in the processing´s calibration

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

Dear Andres,
this depends on quite a number of things (I do not know your actual setup). Please send us diagnostic information to - the diagnostic information should be the chromatogram where you have encountered such problems, the method according to which you have measured and reprocessed, the sequence from which the chromatogram was measured, a configuration file you are using and ideally also the audit trail from the day the sequence was reprocessed. Where such files are located is described in the Clarity support note datasheet.

As a preliminary estimate, regardless of from where the calibration or recalibration is performed (Calibration window, Batch dialog, automatically after the chromatogram of standard is measured), the recalibration itself is performed according to the Calibration Options - see more details here, point 4 and further. The description you are providing looks like the calibration has the Replace mode set in the Calibration Options dialog, Recalibration section - please change it to Average with appropriate number of averages prior to reprocessing or directly in the template. This should ensure averaging the results rather than replacing them with a single (last) value.

Second note to the situation is in case you need to delete or replace particular standard's addition to the average after the standard was already used, you need to do that manually through the Calibration details of each separate peak, where you can disable the checkbox for any standard you do n ot want to see there. As said, this must be done per peak, per signal, there is no setting to disable the particular standard everywhere it was used in.
Daniel Mentlí­k

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