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AutoZero when Wavelength Shift Problem - Rigol L-3500

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:37 pm
by marcojfelix

When using the UV detector with wavelength program, after disabling the option "Autozero when wavelength shift", the detector signal flats to zero, it does not detect anything.
It only works normally during wavelength program mode when this option is active.
Sometimes we need to disable this option for some analisys, but using Clarity and L3500 is not possible.
The Clarity version is 7, but even with all previous versions this happens.

Re: AutoZero when Wavelength Shift Problem - Rigol L-3500

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:05 am
by Lenka Diblikova
Dear Marco,

we have noticed the problem. Unfortunately Rigol control modules are developed by Rigol themselves. You can try to send them your question or suggestion, refer

Hope you would be successful.