Retention time reference
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:09 pm
We are currently looking into having a Peak Table for each of our products methods, to enable our production labs to at a glance identify the relevant impurities and solvent residues.
Obviously we need to build in sufficient robustness to this that if the retention of the components shifts between runs we don’t ‘lose’ peaks, but conversely we also can’t afford to have the windows so loose that we wrongly assign peaks and assume solvent residues are lower than they are.
As part of our weekly testing of the systems, we do run a SST, where retention times are one of the factors controlling pass/fail, so we can be fairly confident the retention times will not shift massively
Looking at the options within Clarity, it appears that assigning the main product peak as a reference, and allowing it to adjust retention times with a smaller window will solve these issues, however there are a few questions:
• Presumably we need to set the method to ‘auto’ recalibrate rather than manual on the run?
• If the sample is ran as a ‘sample’ will the retentions adjust automatically, or does it need to be ran as a ‘standard’.?
• Does this adjust the calibration table permanently, or is it temporarily adjusted on a ‘per-run’ basis?
• Are there any other aspects we need to be aware of, or is there a better way of achieving the same result.
Many thanks,
We are currently looking into having a Peak Table for each of our products methods, to enable our production labs to at a glance identify the relevant impurities and solvent residues.
Obviously we need to build in sufficient robustness to this that if the retention of the components shifts between runs we don’t ‘lose’ peaks, but conversely we also can’t afford to have the windows so loose that we wrongly assign peaks and assume solvent residues are lower than they are.
As part of our weekly testing of the systems, we do run a SST, where retention times are one of the factors controlling pass/fail, so we can be fairly confident the retention times will not shift massively
Looking at the options within Clarity, it appears that assigning the main product peak as a reference, and allowing it to adjust retention times with a smaller window will solve these issues, however there are a few questions:
• Presumably we need to set the method to ‘auto’ recalibrate rather than manual on the run?
• If the sample is ran as a ‘sample’ will the retentions adjust automatically, or does it need to be ran as a ‘standard’.?
• Does this adjust the calibration table permanently, or is it temporarily adjusted on a ‘per-run’ basis?
• Are there any other aspects we need to be aware of, or is there a better way of achieving the same result.
Many thanks,