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Statistics for User defined parameters (columns)

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:53 am
by jaroczajka
Dear Sirs,

Is it any possibility to have statistics for repetitive evaluation in case of use user defined parameters (columns)?
Question concerns LOD and LOQ evaluation for determine value of LOD and LOQ.
The noise measurments are taken each time from the defined region of each evaluated chromatogram. It can be observed the %RSD od noise value is quite high in compare even the same sample injected 2-3 tmes.
I would like to have some statistics to determine noise value as Constant (avarage noise value) value which I could enter into user defined column such LOD and LOQ in result table.
The expression of LOD and LOQ looks like this 3,3*Amount/[S/N], 10*Amount/[S/N] - so finally I can recive results of my searched limits which I can enter into peak table in calibration file. The S/N I have defined in previous column as Heght/Noise expression.


Re: Statistics for User defined parameters (columns)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:26 am
by Ivan Vins
This is possible in the preliminary version available on our web pages (official release is expected soon) by exporting the Summary table results.

In the Summary Options is a new check box Show All Signals, which will enable you to display all signals, not only those with identified peaks like in 2.6.

You can then select the respective Noise (please note there are ASTM and 6-sigma noise added in 2.7) in the Setup Columns ... , Common tab. After exporting/copying the summary table to Excel, you can calculate the requested average values.