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ISTD methods

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:26 pm
by espectrocroma
Dear Sir please inform me about the following question:
"When in ISTD method, if the user starts acquisition AFTER (or before) the analysis is started, all the retention times will be shifted including de IS RT.
In this case the IS is not detected (the IS RT peak falls out of the window) and the calculation is not performed because for the system IS is missing.
There is any way to indicate manually in the CHROMAOGRAM WINDOW what is the IS Peak, in order to get a calculation result?
Or, alternatively, an offset of time can be added (positive or negative, depending when the user started the acquisition) to correct the RT's?
This can be performed in other systhems like chromcard ftom Thermo Electron... but in Clarity?"
Many thanks in advance

Antonio Sancho
C/Porvenir nş 13 3şC
28028 Madrid
Tş 34 91 361 00 08
Tş móvil 676 39 66 24

ISTD methods

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:26 pm
by Ivan Vins
Dear Antonio,

currently there are no such options in Clarity. You can solve the problem in two ways - either modify the calibration file retention times or identification windows (which may be unpractical if it is a just one analysis from a series) or use the mathematical processing - i.e. shift the chromatogram using command Move and save its copy under different name. Only positive offset is supported. You can also use the reference peaks to compensate for some larger RT shifts between chromatograms.

Best regards

Ivan Vins

DataApex, Ltd
Podohradska 1
15500 Praha 5
Czech Republic

Phone +420 251612067
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