Two samplers ion connected to one GC

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Two samplers ion connected to one GC

Post by mohharrath »

Dear Sir,
One of my clients bought a two-channel DANI Gc Master, the Space Master SHS static head with VH Master sampler and a separate Master AS Liquid Autosampler.

My client wants:
1) Connect the Master SHS and the Master VH for sampling at the first channel (PTV detector / PTV injector).
2) Connect the AS master for liquid sample collection to the second channel (PTV injector / FID detector).

And he wants to configure all hardware in the same station on a software of clarity.

However, with Clarity software, we can not configure two samplers in the same GC.

Is that the client must each time reconfigure the system to choose either The master AS or the Master SHS .

what do I have to do?
Any comment is appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

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Daniel Mentlik
DataApex Support
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Re: Two samplers ion connected to one GC

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

Dear Sir,
Clarity indeed does not allow to configure two autosamplers to the same Clarity Instrument.
I guess, from your description, that the configuration is two-line GC - two injectors, two columns (sharing the same column oven) and two detectors. The usability in Clarity depends on the desired mode of usage:
1) your customer wants to use both lines at the same time, performing simultaneous injection, producing two separate chromatograms. This mode is unfortunately not allowed at the moment, Clarity does not allow to split the signals configured to the same Instrument or configure the two samplers at the same time.
2) your customer wants to use each line separately, alternating between them in various sessions. This can be achieved using the Launch Manager application, please see this FAQ or Launch Manager manual. In short, you will need to create two separate configurations, one for each setup, copy them manually aside and rename, and then create two Launch Manager profiles which will alternate between the configurations. Customer will not start Clarity using the icon, but rather starting Launch Manager and selecting which profile he wants to use that given session.

Best Regards,
Daniel Mentlí­k

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