Clarity Lite: can the Login Dialog be bypassed?

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Clarity Lite: can the Login Dialog be bypassed?

Post by drdailey »

Hello all,

First, I am very new to Clarity and Clarity Lite, so please forgive my ignorance,

I am working to add support for Clarity Lite (v6.2) in an integrated system (the system currently works with Clarity). Right now, when I launch Clairty, I use the "u=username p=password" command line options to automatically log in the user. This does not work when launching ClarityLite, however. Running the command "claritylite.exe u=username" still presents me with the Login Dialog popup window, and the user must click a button to continue (the "username" given in the command line doesn't even get populated into the User Name field).

I can get around all this using Windows API functions, but I'd rather use a more direct method. Is there a way to bypass the login dialog in Clarity Lite?

Douglas Dailey

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Daniel Mentlik
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Re: Clarity Lite: can the Login Dialog be bypassed?

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

Dear Doug,
thank you for the inquiry. Please note Clarity Lite is simplified chromatography station not supporting user accounts, so it also does not support any manipulations with user accounts.

I admit it is weird that in Clarity with no user accounts defined the command line parameter "clarity.exe i=1 u="SomeUser"" works, and in Clarity Lite very similar "claritylite.exe u="SomeUser"" does not. I have started Issue ISS-77775, not sure when this will be fixed and how (if it will be fixed, it may well be intended behavior, in which case the state will only get documented better).

Best Regards,
Daniel Mentlí­k

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