Clarity version 7.0 released

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Daniel Mentlik
DataApex Support
DataApex Support
Posts: 354
Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:15 pm

Clarity version 7.0 released

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

Dear users of Clarity Conference,

the DataApex company has released Clarity software version 7.0. This update to any older version of Clarity is free of charge for all users with hardware key and can be downloaded by registered users using this link.

This new version presents many improvements to the functionality of the Clarity station. Amongst the greatest improvements are:
  • Autosamplers in Single Analysis
    Provides means to inject using autosampler from the Single Analysis dialog. When a controlled sampler is configured, the Run button will be replaced by Inject & Run button performing the normal sampler injection.
  • Custom Units
    Clarity now sets the units for flow rate, pressure, temperature, injection volume and auxiliary signals in a single central place for each Instrument. Many settings have now extended range of available options. The settings will then be used in the relevant dialogs of the Clarity software. Selected Instrument types also allow to set X-axis units.
  • User-defined variables
    User can now enter sample/method parameters values into new variables in Single Analysis dialog, Sequence window or Method Setup dialog. These values can be used for calculations in the User Columns in the Chromatogram window, providing means to calculate complicated special results.
  • Installation Structure
    Clarity Installation structure has been changed to better separate program files, configuration files and data files. This will make it much easier to back up your data and settings. Downgrade is not easy after upgrading to version 7.0. If you want to test the new version and want to get back to previous version, follow these recommendations.
  • Integration Algorithm
    New integration Algorithm "7.0 Experimental" is now available as an alternative to the current "7.0" Integration Algorithm. It solves the automatic integration of some problematic chromatograms. We will really appreciate your feedback here.
  • New Control modules:
    • Agilent LC control via ICF now supports more modules
    • Spark Integrity autosampler driver has been released
      Several other Control modules have been updated.
The complete list of improvements and changes is available at ... ersion=7.0.
Should you have any questions, feel free to ask at
Note: Users of Clarity older than version 2.4 can order the hardware key for small manipulation fee (contact your local provider for more information on shipping of the key). Upgrade from the CSW station is also available as all of the CSW data are compatible with new versions of Clarity (contact your local provider for more information on upgrade pricing).

Daniel Mentlik
Daniel Mentlí­k

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