Clarity version 3.0.6 update released

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Daniel Mentlik
DataApex Support
DataApex Support
Posts: 354
Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:15 pm

Clarity version 3.0.6 update released

Post by Daniel Mentlik »

A new version of Clarity 3.0.6 has been released. This update to any older version of Clarity is free of charge for all users with hardware key. It can be downloaded from Downloads - Full versions section of the DataApex website.

Main features of this update are based on control modules:
  • driver for Spark Mistral column oven is now ready for use
  • driver for Agilent 1200 ELSD (G4218A) detector is now ready for use
  • driver for Ecom Apatit, Opal and Malachite detectors is now ready for use
  • the drivers for Knauer and YoungLin (YL913x) instruments were updated
The complete list of improvements and changes is available here.

We will greatly appreciate your feedback.

Please note there is a known limitation in the Spark Alias autosampler control module - Syringe Size listbox labels are mangled, to use 500 ul syringe select 250, to use 250 ul syringe select 1000, to use 1000 ul syringe select 500. The bug will be repaired in the next release version.
Daniel Mentlí­k

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