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Clarity version

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:08 pm
by Daniel Mentlik
Dear users of Clarity Conference,

the DataApex company has released Clarity software version This update to any older version of Clarity is free of charge for all users with hardware key. It can also be ordered for small manipulation fee (the price of the hardware key) for users of Clarity older than version 2.4 (contact your local provider for more information on shipping of the key).

This new version brings many small improvements, as well as major upgrades to Clarity users. Among the most important features are:

* Device Monitor now displays the status of HTA samplers, Spark Holland Midas and Marathon SAMPLERS, Agilent 1100 pump and other instruments.

* Clarity DEMO now presents new demo data and better illustrates the suggested workflow and available features.
* Changes to the chromatogram header entries (Sample ID, Sample, Amount, Inj. Volume, ISTD Amount, Dilution) can now be recorded in the Station or Chromatogram Audit trails.
* Auxiliary signals can now be displayed in the graph of the Data Acquisition window.
* The help files format was changed from *.hlp to *.chm for compatibility with Windows Vista.

* Chromatograms from the sequence measurement can now be stored in subfolders of the project data directory.

* Possibility to show recalibration points was added into the Calibration window.
* New "Options" dialog (accessed from Clarity window using the System - Options... command) contains "Enable chromatogram files overwriting" checkbox to better suit the GLP requirements.

Also, several new instrument controls are introduced in the version 2.6, including Antec Leyden Decade II detector and Spark Holland Triathlon autosampler control. Moreover, several control modules (Bischoff 2250 pump, Spark Holland Endurance autosampler, CTC PAL autosampler driver, ...) were updated to new versions.

The complete list of improvements and changes is available at ... ersion=2.6

Should you have any questions, feel free to ask at

We will be grateful, if you will download and try this new version and report us your comments. Even though we have not found any compatibility problems, we recommend to backup your configuration and data as a precaution. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or hints.

Daniel Mentlik

DataApex, Ltd
Podohradska 1
15500 Praha 5

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 251 013 400
Fax: +420 251 013 401