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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:09 pm
by Ivan Vins
Dear users of Clarity Conference

We wish you a happy and prosperous new year 2007.

We have several announcements for you:

New Clarity version is currently available for download from our web pages. Based on recent queries, I will like to make a few comments on the Clarity updating.

This update is not offered automatically using the Check for Updates command from Clarity station version 2.4.1. or lower. This is because of the incompatibility of the new version with Windows 98. If you have:
- Windows 2000/XP please download the latest version manually from our web.
- Windows 98 and HW key, you can download the latest version, it will be maintained on our web.
- For stations without HW key, the version 2.3.0. is maintained
(however we do recommend the upgrade to 2.4.4. - only the manipulation fee for HW key is charged, the software update is free)

We have discontinued the publication of the "Update versions" on our web pages.
- Its name was rather confusing (it contained in fact all core files of the station without control modules and help files).
- we suppose the difference between downloading the Update (9 MB) and Full version (57 MB) is not significant for most users nowadays.
The benefits are not adequate to the problems, caused by using the "Update version" instead of "Full version" like failed IQ, non-functional control modules, obsolete help files.

The downloaded Full installation can be used for both New installation and for Upgrade/Update of previous installations. When installing/updating to a directory where the station was already installed, its presence will be detected and option to retain original configuration and files is offered. Even if you decide to overwrite the original installation and your configuration/settings, your data files will be preserved.

It is recommended to remove the previous installation before update using the Remove Clarity command from the Windows start menu, Programs, Clarity program group. This will remove the program components only, retaining your data and configuration. In case this is not performed, the IQ (Installation Qualifications) can detect some files from previous installation (not present in the new version) and report them as a failure.

Best regards
Ivan Vins

DataApex, Ltd
Podohradska 1
15500 Praha 5
Czech Republic

Phone +420 251612067
Fax +420 251613507